Post Op Instructions

Post-Op Instructions for Veneers, Crowns and Bridges

Your anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure. It is very important not to chew on the numb side (to prevent biting tongue, lip, etc.) until the anesthesia wears off. Your tooth may be sensitive to hot, cold or pressure after this procedure and your gum tissue may also be tender. This is completely normal. The more invasive the procedure, the more sensitivity you may experience. The possible symptoms of hot, cold or pressure will cease within a few days to a couple of weeks. In a very few instances, this sensitivity could last longer than a couple of weeks. As long as your teeth or gums are continuing to feel better (not staying the same, or getting worse) everything is fine. There is no need for concern.

Temporary Veneers, Crowns, and Bridges

It is extremely important for the temporary crown/bridge to remain on the tooth until we seat your permanent crown.

If your temporary crown becomes loose or comes off at any time, please call the office immediately. Your tooth can shift within a day if your temporary is missing, which can inhibit the placement of your permanent crown. You may also experience sensitivity if your temporary comes off.

Please note: With your temporary, avoid hard and chewy foods (such as ice, hard candy, gum, taffy). These are known to pull temporaries off the prepared tooth.

If your temporary comes off or becomes loose, please gently replace your temporary back onto your prepared tooth or place it in a plastic bag and call the office (you cannot put your temporary back on incorrectly because it will only fit one way).

It is important to floss your temporary. However, instead of pulling the floss back up through the teeth, release one end of the floss and pull it through the side of the tooth.

Once the anesthesia has worn off and you feel as though any of the teeth we worked on are hitting first, please give the office a call immediately. This imbalance with your bite may cause further discomfort and should be adjusted.

Definite (Permanent) Veneers, Crowns and Bridges

The permanent crown is checked for fit and then cemented. It is not uncommon for the permanent crown to be hot/cold sensitive for several weeks afterwards , and occasionally a few months. Once again a balanced bite is important. Be sure to inform us if you have a “high” bite on any new crowns, bridges or veneers. The cement will be its strongest within 24 hours so be careful not to chew on anything really tough or sticky on the newly cemented restorations.

Permanent Veneers, Crowns and Bridges should have tight contacts to prevent food impaction. If you have a fracture of the porcelain or an open or loose contact, please make an appointment for an evaluation. Open contacts can lead to periodontal (gum) disease and dental decay over a period of time if not corrected.

It is important to floss the margins of crowns, bridges and veneers next to the gum line, below the contact area to prevent periodontal (gum) disease and dental decay even with perfectly fitting crowns, bridges and veneers. Remember you can still get decay under a perfectly fitting crown, bridge and veneer if you do not use meticulous daily home care including brushing and FLOSSING daily.

With regular professional dental cleanings and examinations the permanent crown, bridge or veneer should give you many years of service. AGAIN decay may occur around the edges of the crowns, bridges or veneers so it is very important to have these restorations checked and cleaned at a minimum of every 6 months.

Post-Op Instructions for Extractions and Dental Implants

Anesthetic: The anesthetic administered subsides after a few hours depending on the type of anesthetic, and on the individual. Be careful not to bite the tongue and the lip while numb.

Bleeding: After an extraction, gauze has been placed over the tooth socket to help control the bleeding. It is important to keep firm pressure for 35 to 45 min. Avoid chewing on the gauze. After the gauze is removed there may be some oozing of the socket. A little bit of oozing is normal. However, if it looks like bleeding has not stopped, then the following should be done:

Blood Clot: The clot is a very important part of healing. In order to protect the clot:

Smoking and Drinking: Avoid smoking, drinking through a straw, or drinking out of a bottle for 24 hours. This creates suction in your mouth, which may be strong enough to pull the clot from the socket. If this happens then you get a dry socket (therefore prolonged healing and sharp pain).

Oral Hygiene: Do not rinse vigorously. This may also remove the clot from the socket. Instead, if you need to rinse at all let the water run in and out of the mouth without much effort.

Limit exercise. This will reduce the bleeding, and help the clot form. Keep your oral hygiene, but avoid brushing around the extraction site for a day or two.

Medication: Medication may have been prescribed to relieve pain, and avoid or reduce infection. These medications should only be used as directed. Be patient! Pain medication may not work immediately. It may not work until the second instructed dose. If you develop a rash after taking the medications, stop the medications and contact our office or the emergency room. You may be experiencing an allergic reaction to the medications.

DO NOT drive or operate machinery and AVOID alcoholic beverages. DO NOT take prescription pain medication on an empty stomach. If pain persists, please call us.

Swelling: Normal swelling occurs the first 48 hours. Sometimes swelling is accompanied by discomfort. You may be able to reduce swelling and discomfort by placing a cold pack over the swollen area. If swelling does not start to decrease after the second day, please contact our office.

Diet: Make sure to drink lots of fluids, but avoid alcoholic beverages. Food should be of soft consistency, but rich in protein. You can start eating more solid foods as soon as you feel comfortable to do so. Chew on side opposite to where the extraction was done.

Rinsing: About 24 hours after the extraction, you can start rinsing well with warm salt water a couple of times a day. Just place a teaspoon of salt in 8 oz of warm water. It is important to keep food particles out of the extraction site in order to allow for proper healing.

Use of Removable Dental Appliances: If you normally wear a removable appliance which replaces missing teeth, and it rests on the treated area, you should refrain from wearing it after surgery as any pressure on the surgical site could be detrimental to healing and cause discomfort. Dr Sinha will specify directions as each case is specific.

Dentures: Dentures will be refitted as soon as possible after the implant placement. However, inserting the dentures too early may jeopardize a successful healing process.

Contact us if you have any questions about your procedure or after care, we will be happy to help you.